Climate stories

We had a 1 in a 100 years hurricane in 2003. Well since then we have had two others each one stronger and more destruction. So the 100 years is gone.

Joyclin’s story


  • Heatwave
  • Sea level rise
  • Storms

We had a 1 in a 100 years hurricane in 2003. Well since then we have had two others each one stronger and more destruction. So the 100 years is gone. We personally have not had the house or tree damage but so many around us have. I have seen it impact the power grid and people I know suffered major damage to their homes. Sea level is rising and many storms create more erosion of the shoreline. It is increasing, We have had major hot spells and this year a low snow coupled with a very dry for us spring, left our area vulnerable to, and has resulted at early and large wild fires. One was an outbreak in “suburban areas within 7 km of our home. So the reality that this will be happening more frequently or worse is very present danger.

Climate change is harming us all

Hundreds of people from across the country are sharing their stories to send a clear message to the Australian government - it's time for real action on climate change.

Every story appears as a point on this map. Click around to read how climate change is affecting our communities, and add your own story to the map.

Emma's story

Como, WA

  • Fire
  • Health
  • Heatwave
  • Nature
  • Storms

We have spent a summer trapped in our home with heatwave after heatwave hitting our city in the longest and hottest summer of my lifetime (and indeed the city’s lifetime). I have had to stop my three year old son playing outside day after day and we have all had to stay in the same room as it is the only air conditioned one. Summer used to be a time of fun, of outdoor barbecues for dinner, of freedom. Now it has a feeling of containment and dread. My job requires me to confront climate issues and victims of bushfire and other disasters and their experiences and the flood of climate information leave me feeling deep grief, distress and helplessness. My little son loves animals passionately and i dread the day I will have to tell him about climate change and about how so many of the creatures that inspire him are threatened by mankind’s very existence. I fear he will grow into an adult in a time of increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters, in a country weakened economically and fragmented socially by these disasters. That by the time he grows up the Great Barrier Reef we describe to him will be dead and gone. Having him despite my fear for his future was an act of hope and defiance, but that hope is hard to maintain when our governments will seemingly not act to end the use of fossil fuels and replace them with renewables with the speed that will give my beautiful child the bright future he deserves. I hope and pray that this case changes the situation. And I thank these elders for bringing this action.

Read my story

Bushfires. Floods. Heatwaves. Disease.

People all across Australia are being harmed by climate change. These are some of their stories.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

We're reviewing your story now. As soon as it's up on the website we'll send you an email to let you know. We need as many people as possible to share their climate stories - so we can show the government that Australians need urgent climate action. Will you spread the word by sharing this campaign on social media?

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Share your climate story

Will you stand with us and share your story of how climate change is affecting you, your family and your community?

It doesn't matter how big or small the impact you've felt - everyone's story is important.

Together we can show the government that taking real climate action is in everyone’s interest.