Climate stories

Individual action provides hope that there are those who are willing to take targeted, collective action against the polluting corporations that are causing climate change

Alex’s story

Sydney, NSW

  • Culture
  • Economic

My name is Alex and I live in Sydney.

I, like many others, have altered my lifestyle choices (like becoming a vegetarian) in an attempt to reduce the amount of carbon emissions I produce. The motivation to do so came from the onslaught of many documentaries and advertisements informing me that I, as an individual, need to take action to prevent the devastating impacts of climate change. When in actuality the efforts that I or any other individual make to reduce emissions are well and truly overshadowed by those produced by fossil-fuel corporations.

The ability of these corporations to legally pollute within the government-established structures make any attempts of individual action feeble. However, I find the rise and adoption of individual action provides hope that there are those who are willing to take targeted, collective action against these corporations and prevent the detrimental effects experienced not only by others who have shared but by all Australians and First Nation folk.

Holding the government accountable for the structures they have established is the first of many necessary steps to combat climate change.

Climate change is harming us all

Hundreds of people from across the country are sharing their stories to send a clear message to the Australian government - it's time for real action on climate change.

Every story appears as a point on this map. Click around to read how climate change is affecting our communities, and add your own story to the map.

Tyler's story

South Coast, NSW

  • Fire
  • Flood

When I went back to school, everyone was talking about the fires. A girl in my year lost her house. We were all very scarred.

Read my story

Bushfires. Floods. Heatwaves. Disease.

People all across Australia are being harmed by climate change. These are some of their stories.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

We're reviewing your story now. As soon as it's up on the website we'll send you an email to let you know. We need as many people as possible to share their climate stories - so we can show the government that Australians need urgent climate action. Will you spread the word by sharing this campaign on social media?

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Share your climate story

Will you stand with us and share your story of how climate change is affecting you, your family and your community?

It doesn't matter how big or small the impact you've felt - everyone's story is important.

Together we can show the government that taking real climate action is in everyone’s interest.